11 jul 2013

Tom & Dereck

This is Tom. He is twenty-five years old. He studies computer engineering in Bristol university. his hobbies are video games, rock music and science fiction movies.
he goes to university in the mornings, and in the evenings, he works as a pizza deliverer for an italian restaurant. He works hard to pay his studies. His dream is to become a videogame programmer and create awesome games!

Tom lives with his house mate, Dereck. Dereck is twenty years old. he studies arts in the same university. his hobbies are reading comic-books, painting and country music. He plays the guitar also!
His family is wealthy so he doesn´t have to work to pay for his own studies.
When he finishes university, he will probably work as a designer in his father´s company.

5 jul 2013

Peter & Sally

At the end of the street there is a blue house.
In the blue house lives a little girl. Her name is Sally, she is eleven years old.
She doesn´t like maths but she likes history very much.
She lives with her grandmother. Her grandmother makes good chocolate cakes.

Next to the blue house there is a small house with a red roof.
in that house lives a boy, his name is Peter. Peter is eleven years old also.
He doesn´t like school but he loves playing football with friends.
He lives with his parents. His mother is a housewife and his father is a butcher.

Sally and Peter are very good friends. They often play “hide and seek” after school.

25 jun 2013

Past times, good times.

Summer is already here! During our trip to New York, our guides told us that in the bronx zone, they let children play with water all along the streets. I wish i could be there during these hot days...
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19 jun 2013


In this lesson we go again with comparatives and superlatives, And also learn about the verb to do in simple present, past and future sentences.
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22 may 2013

In this lesson we have covered the basics of human body, went a little bit in depth with the verb To be in its past and future tenses and learned how to use the "isn´t it" question tag in a sentence involving the ver to be
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12 may 2013

To be or not to be? that´s the question

In this lesson we are going to learn how to tell others where a given object is, to compare people and items, and the future and past tenses of the verb To be
En esta leccion vamos a aprender como decirle a otros donde esta un objeto determinado, a comparar gente y articulos, y los tiempos pasado y futuro del verbo To be (ser o estar)

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3 may 2013

LESSON 02/05/13
Numbers, hardcore numbers, What time is it?, to be or not to be.

Click here to access this lesson activities